Pls refer this calendar to place orders....

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Rainbow cake with cream cheese

A special cake for mr hubby's birthday. Selalu buatkan rainbow cake utk customer je. Kali ni teringin pulak nak makan. So, sempena birthday hubby, sy buatkan sebijik rainbow cake. Disebabkan sy x berape suke buttercream, kali ni sy buatkan topping cream cheese. Ohmai... So mouth-watering! Dan hari tu tgk kek birthday Nana Mahazan yg tinggi, sy bt kek ni pun version tinggi sket dari biase. Selalu bt saiz 8 inci. But this time bt 7 inci je. :)

Kek ni agak mahal sbb pembuatan dia agak leceh sket (ditambah lah dgn kerumitan nk deco gune cream cheese). Dan kek ni jugak gunekan butter mahal demi utk menaikkan rasa lemak & mendptkan kadar moist yg betul. Hehe.. ;).

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Love shape choc moist birthday cake

Ni order dari Pza. Regular customer sy. TQVM pza. :)

Rasenye dah lame sgt x update blog ni kan. Terlalu sibuk dgn tempahan sampaikan xde masa nak update blog. Ni pun update guna hset je. Insyaallah lps ni akan luangkan lebih masa utk blog ni. Skang pun dah fulltime bt home bakery ni kan. Kena la slalu update blog. X nanti org ingat yummilicious dh berkubur pulak. :) pape pun kalau nk lebih update boleh like page Yummilicious Baker's Place atau pun add fb Puan Olynn. Kat sana kompem sentiasa up to date. :)

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
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